PLEASE NOTE: If fractal Timekeeping and the Law of Time are new to you, these Synchronotron Daily Readouts are not the best place to start exploring.

“The system of Synchronotron is an advanced practice of the synchronic order. Synchronotron refers to the compendium of the practices of the 441 (21x21) cube matrix system. The ultimate purpose of learning the 441 cube matrix system is to learn how to operate the Holomind Perceiver, a new sense organ located in the corpus callosum. The Holomind Perceiver facilitates the integration of time, space, and mind as the principle of radialized synchronization informing the totality of our being. Working with these matrices is an exercise in mind expansion and conscious evolution. Through study of these matrices, we break mental limitations and penetrate into other worlds and dimensions.”

These quotes and more information on Synchronotron can be found here and in the Book of the Cube.