NS | 2024-2-29
Why doesn’t Feb. 29 have a Kin?
After beginning to use the 13-Moon calendar, many individuals are perplexed the first time a ‘Leap Day’ appears — February 29. In the 13-Moon calendar, this date has no Kin.
But why? How is this possible? And what does it mean?
To answer this question is to better understand the nature and purpose of the 13-Moon calendar, also known as the Dreamspell. This system does not reject or replace the Mayan calendars, but instead, has several unique purposes and abilities.
The 13-Moon calendar is s a Timekeeping tool designed to:
• wean the mind from the Roman Catholic (Gregorian) program
• reintroduce Mayan mathematics into the human consciousness
• demonstrate fractal relationships between lunar, solar, planetary, and galactic cycles
• facilitate the perception of Space and Time as a unified matrix
In order to understand why Feb. 29 has no Kin, we must consider the first three of these aspects in particular.
The invisible structure of Time which the 13-Moon calendar creates is fractal in nature; it shows geometries in Time which mathematically relate the cyclic motions of many celestial bodies — including but not limited to the Moon, Sun, and Earth.
The invisible structure created by the Gregorian calendar is irregular and unstable. The only cycles within the Gregorian calendar are the 7-day week and 365-day year; no other rhythms or patterns exist within the Catholic tool for Timekeeping. Conversely, the Dreamspell organizes Time in fractal layers of cycles of 4, 5, 7, 13, 20, 28, 52, 65, 260, and 365.
Learning to perceive Time as a mandala of interrelated cycles is a conscious evolutionary step toward transcending the mental limitations of historical belief systems. The Gregorian calendar perpetuates an experience and worldview of Time as irregular, arbitrary, and vaguely religious — absolutely contrary to our scientific worldview of Space as mathematically consistent.
So long as our Time is disorganized and irregular, so also will our minds and societies lack sense.
To expose a modern mind to the advanced temporal mathematics of the Mayans is a remedy to assist the species in recovering from two thousand years of confusion and disorder caused in part by experiencing and describing our lives and our history through a distorted Roman Catholic lens.*
* The Gregorian calendar was established in 1582, but was closely related to the Julian calendar mandated by Julius Caesar beginning in 42 BC.
However, February 29 nullifies any possible connection between the indigenous Mayan calendars and the Catholic device.
The advanced mathematics of the Mayan calendars are made inaccessible by the Gregorian calendar. Consider this example: In the Mayan calendar, only four of the twenty Seals would ever fall on your birthday, and each year the Tone of your birthday would rise by one. When you turn 52, your birthday would be your exact Kin for the first time since your birth. The 365-day year and 260-day spin align every 52 years*:
52 years x 365 days = 18,980 days = 73 spins x 260 days
* The Mayan calendar also tracks a 360-day cycle (‘tun’) which similarly aligns with the 260-day spin in groups of 52:
52 tun x 360 days = 18,720 days = 72 spins x 260 days
However, because the indigenous Mayan calendar has no Leap Days, upon adding a 366th day in the Gregorian calendar, these and other cycles no longer align. Because of Feb. 29, dates in the Gregorian calendar — such as your birthday — no longer fall on only four of the twenty Seals in the original Mayan calendar. In a Gregorian ‘Leap Year,’ every date after Feb. 29 is two Tones higher than the same date in the previous year in the Mayan calendar. And never will you have a birthday which falls on your Kin. The Catholic calendar is decisively incompatible with the fractal cycles within the original Mayan system.
Ultimately, by accounting for February 29 as a day without Kin (Hunab Ku 0.0), the 13-Moon calendar reclaims the possibility for the human race — now deeply immersed psychologically and socioeconomically in the Roman Catholic calendar — to experience a lunisolar, galactic, and fractal perception of Time. By acknowledging the date but omitting it from the progression in the Tzolkin, the Dreamspell makes it possible for a human programmed with the Gregorian matrix since birth (and still immersed within it) to liberate one’s self from the primitive, irregular Catholic perspective and matrix of Time.
“It is one thing to visit sacred sites, but it is a whole other matter to consciously change Time. When the decision is made to switch calendars, you will begin co-creating the New Time or the Second Creation. . .This is the essence of Mayan eschatology.”
Cosmic History Chronicles Vol. II
Any names and numbers used to describe and organize Time are human constructs. The Gregorian calendar, for being poorly organized and deeply Roman Catholic, fails to effectively serve and represent the global community of modern Earth. A cosmocentric, non-sectarian mental framework will be needed to support the ever-evolving cultural activities and output of a genuinely global, sustainable, and egalitarian future human society.
The 13-Moon calendar, or Dreamspell, is a tool for mental and cultural transition for those who wish to cultivate fractal modes of thought unrelated to the patriarchal, religious, and imperial memes inherent in the Gregorian system.
“The significance of the Thirteen Moon calendar does not lie in its visible surface, but rather in the fact that it is a threshold and a door that connects us to the vast web of synchronicity.
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A calendar is actually a Timespace Template of order (or disorder) regulating the cycles of human social function & activity. . . It is a programming device whereby the society that uses it creates its psychic field of influence and organizes its collective life.
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The Gregorian calendar can be understood as a cultural meme or hologram that actually represents, or is a manifestation of, a warped time-space matrix. . . If the time-space matrix is warped, and projected out from an irregular matrix base, then a fragmented civilization is created.
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These irregularities . . . have long term effects on the consciousness once they are accepted as normal. . . The society becomes unconsciously locked into self-defeating patterns of irresolvable irregularity and irrationality.
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The system of the synchronic order is a rich layering of symbolically coded patterns. By learning these patterns, our thought structures are reoriented with multi-layered meanings. This is a general example and opens us to a whole other range of consciousness and states of mind. When we consider that the Thirteen Moon calendar is an ever-changing daily program that perpetuates itself every 52 years, then we can begin to comprehend how our consciousness would be greatly altered following such a system of harmonic order.”
Cosmic History Chronicles Vol. V