Non-Catholic, fractal Time!
13 x 28 = 364
This is rather remarkable! As we know, the length of the solar year is 365 days. And this cycle can be divided quite beautifully and easily into 13 equal periods of 28 days, with only one day remaining to complete the solar year. Remember also that the Moon travels around the Earth 13 times within each solar year, further solidifying the logic and merit of this calendrical compromise.
The profound psychological impact of experiencing the solar year as a consistent, orderly progression of thirteen 4-week ‘months’ plus one intercalary day is almost impossible for the modern human to imagine, because our minds and our societies have been conditioned deeply to accept that most cycles in Time are irregular and arbitrary.
Indeed, primarily lunar calendars do not inherently provide an accurate measurement of the solar year; this is why the date of the New Year varies in systems such as the Chinese and Hebrew calendars. It bears note that these two calendars are actually lunisolar, but they are based upon strictly lunar months. The Chinese and Hebrew calendars both achieve harmony with the solar cycle by adding an extra month to certain years.
But by using the 28-day average of the actual and perceived lunar cycles, we arrive at an incredibly simple and effective method of perceiving both the solar and lunar frequencies within a calendar which is much easier to comprehend — in addition to being far more advanced, mathematically — than the irregular Catholic system.
Remembering that the Moon completes 13 circuits of the Earth within each solar year, consider the following:
Fractal mathematics enabled the Mayans to accurately measure the Earth’s precession (nearly 26,000 years).